5 Best Girl Friendly Hotels in Bogota

Last updated: October 23rd, 2024 | in Bogota | Colombia | Hotels | Latin America

I’ve already been through all of the best places to meet girls in Bogota, Colombia, so now it makes sense to highlight some of the best spots to stay that are supportive in your conquests among the many beautiful women here. If you think that Bogota is going to be a lot more lax than cities like Rio de Janeiro in terms of guest policies, you’re wrong. The city’s hotels are not as girl-friendly as they used to be, so …
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Few countries are better for meeting girls for sex right now than Colombia. The secret is finally getting out. This country is relaxed, scenic, inexpensive, and absolutely full of beautiful girls that are often drawn to foreigners. For those that have either grown weary of spots like Brazil and Argentina, or are simply wanting a new experience, Colombia is the top choice. Medellin is without doubt the most popular city in Colombia. While the insanity of the drug wars left a …
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Colombia has quite the broad range of reputations, with some of it true, and some of it not. While some outsiders still view the country as some cocaine-infested, militia battling, drug lord-run shit show, it is definitely not, at least in 95% of the country. Things have died down significantly since the days of Pablo Escobar, and this beautiful country is enjoying relative peace and functionality that was largely absent during the 1980s and 90s. One thing however that will …
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In case you didn’t know already, Colombia is quickly becoming a perfect destination for sex with hot Latina girls. Yes, the country had its share of problems back in the 1980s and 90s, but things are much different now, and it has mostly mellowed out. This has resulted in a booming sex industry that is one of the most accessible and economical in the entire region. Like most countries on this continent, prostitution is totally legal, and somewhat regulated. This …
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Bogota is a very adventurous city when it comes to meeting girls for sex, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. The city is already unique enough, but add in the mongering aspect, and it’s truly an experience each and every time. Make no mistake about it; the girls here are gorgeous, and you can have a great time without spending that much money if you meet them on the dating site. The enthusiasm that many non-pro Colombian girls …
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If you’re looking into countries to visit for mongering in South America, countries such as Brazil are often among the most popular. But one country is creeping up the list towards the top, and it’s one that many people don’t initially think of, perhaps for obvious reasons. Colombia often gets a bad wrap for its fairly insane last few decades, and thanks to the success of some American sitcoms, there seems to be a renewal of that as of late. …
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Argentina is one of the most well-known countries in South America, and shares a border with Brazil, one of the most popular countries in the world for various forms of mongering. While the country is a bit polarizing in terms of sex holidays, few will dispute the beauty and complexity to be found there. I’ll go ahead and get this out of the way right now: The majority of this “Argentina guide” will really just be over Buenos Aires, for …
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Vietnam is becoming an increasingly popular alternative to Thailand among single men from all over the world who seek cheaper prices and a culturally more authentic experience. It’s a known fact that prices for pretty much everything are on the rise in the land of smiles with the ever increasing tourist arrivals: hotels, restaurants, bars – and girls. Especially the girls aspect is critically here – while there are more and more tourists coming to Thailand every year, the number …
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Overview to Sex Massages in Vietnam

Last updated: February 24th, 2025 | in Asia | Vietnam | Vietnamese Girls

The massage parlors are the most popular type of red light establishment in Vietnam – not only among the local Vietnamese men, but also among foreigners. There is not a big girly bar scene neither in Saigon nor Hanoi (well, there are some hostess bars on Bui Vien Street and Little Japan in Saigon, but these places are more for sitting and drinking with the ladies and not so much for buying them out for sex in the hotel), and …
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5 Places to Meet Sexy Girls in Hanoi

Last updated: February 27th, 2025 | in Asia | Hanoi | Nightlife | Vietnam | Vietnamese Girls

Hanoi may not be the first place you think of when it comes to nightlife, girls and sex, as it still stands in the shadow of the much nicer and more developed Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) in the south – and that won’t be changing any time soon, because there are just so many more bars, clubs and other places to meet girls. However, chances are that you will still be spending at least one or two nights in …
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