South America is a massive continent with a ton of popular destinations among single men, with places like Brazil getting the most attention. Buenos Aires, and Argentina in general, can often get overlooked, especially when it comes to mongering. Some of this is for a reason, but that’s not to say it’s not a worthwhile destination. While Buenos Aires may not present the same amount of opportunities as somewhere like Rio, you can still pull someone if you play your …
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Overview to Sex Massages in Indonesia

Last updated: February 19th, 2025 | in Asia | Indonesia | Indonesian Girls

The massage industry in Indonesia is huge, and it’s not difficult to understand why. Sure, like everywhere else, it’s always tempting to try out a discrete massage while no one sees what actually happens inside – not everyone likes to walk hand in hand with a prostitute on the street to their hotel, or is willing to pay the outrageous prices most escorts ask for. The massage parlors (or more suitable called “one stop entertainment”) not only offer a great value for …
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Having Sex With An Indonesian Bar Girl

Last updated: February 19th, 2025 | in Asia | Indonesia | Indonesian Girls

Even though Indonesia is getting more and more popular among single male travelers, there is still a lot of confusion regarding the different entertainment venues. I’ve already put together a comprehensive guide on the 10 different types of hookers in Indonesia, so if you haven’t read that one yet, I’d recommend you to check it out first, and then come back to this article. The one type of girl you probably are most interested in are the bar girls –  because …
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Even though Indonesia is a muslim country and prostitution is illegal, there are hundreds of thousands of sex workers all over the country. So yes, to some extent the industry is comparable to Thailand where the “oldest profession of the world” is also illegal by law, but mostly tolerated by the authorities. Indonesia is still different though: You won’t find any go go bars with naked girls like in Bangkok or Pattaya, and even beer bars with regular bar girls …
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Rio has long been one of the most popular cities for all sorts of mongering, and meeting transgenders (or travestis) is certainly a part of the allure. In fact, Rio is fast becoming one of the most popular non-Asian locations in the world to indulge in the ladyboy scene (third only to Bangkok and Manila). Regardless of what part of the city you end up in, there’s always some fun to be had nearby. As with any other type of …
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Salvador, Bahia is one of the most mysterious cities in Brazil. If you’re more familiar with the southern part of the country, or have spent time in Sao Paulo, you’re in for a much different experience. While the overall vibe and mongering opportunities may be different from other, more popular Brazilian cities and states, Salvador is still very much worth the experience – if anything sheerly for the adventure to meet girls for sex here. There’s plenty of danger to …
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When it comes to picking up local women for sex in Rio de Janeiro, most guys will instantly think of the hookers on the Copacabana Beach Promenade, others maybe of the termas. What’s interesting is that only few foreigners know of the red light district in Rio de Janeiro, and even fewer of them actually decide to go check it out. That has probably to do with the fact that it’s located in a local area with little to no …
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Rio de Janeiro has a reputation for a reason. Brazilians love sex, and Rio may be the most sensual South American city of them all. Whether you’re coming for Carnival, or in the middle of June, there is plenty of mongering to be had, from girls in the clubs and on the beach, to the numerous escorts, to… girls in the clubs? Let me explain. Prostitution is legal in Brazil, which you’re probably well aware of. Brothels? No sir. Well, …
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Brazil has earned the reputation as being one of the best locations in the world for sex, and rightfully so. The women tend to be very sexual, and of course incredibly curvy, tone, and just about everything else you could possibly want. While you always have the option of testing the waters in clubs, bars, or parties, mongering is a much surer bet when you opt for the many different kinds of hookers that can be found in every corner …
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Rio de Janeiro is one of the most popular cities among sex tourists all over the world. There is plenty of action to be had, and the girls here are definitely more sexually liberal and outgoing, but you still need to have a certain grasp of things before going in. And yes, Rio can be dangerous in some spots, but like most cities, a little common sense goes a long way. Regardless, it’s a top destination for a reason. If …
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