5 Places to Meet Sexy Girls in Salvador (Bahia)

Last updated: February 25th, 2025 | in Brazil | Brazilian Girls | Latin America | Nightlife | Salvador

Salvador, Bahia is one of the most mysterious cities in Brazil. If you’re more familiar with the southern part of the country, or have spent time in Sao Paulo, you’re in for a much different experience.

While the overall vibe and mongering opportunities may be different from other, more popular Brazilian cities and states, Salvador is still very much worth the experience – if anything sheerly for the adventure to meet girls for sex here.

There’s plenty of danger to avoid at night, and the locals may not be as in awe of a gringo as other parts of Brazil, but Salvador has lots to offer. In order to take advantage and really enjoy your time, there are a lot of things you need to be aware of going in.

Salvador Bahia Girl

Why is Salvador Different?

Understanding Salvador’s history will give you the proper insight to know your place while there. The city is full of stucco-houses and buildings, and gives off a more genuine, historical feel than the more touristy parts of Brazil. Salvador was established in the 1500s, and was also the very first capital of Brazil. It quickly became the biggest slave market in the New World, and millions of Africans were shipped there over the next few centuries to work in plantations.

This is the reason that Salvador now has such a mixed demographic that resulted in the Afro-Brazilian culture, spreading all throughout the country afterwards.

Yes, that means there’s lots of black Brazilians here. This is important to know going in for several reasons. With that said, here’s a good primer.

What to Know Beforehand

  • If you’re a gringo, you are going to stick out like a sore thumb. It will be obvious everywhere you go. This is both good and bad, but mostly bad (at least for the sightseeing part). Still, if you are on guard for certain things, you’ll be okay. People will try to charge you more for everything everywhere you go, so don’t fall for it. Always know your surroundings, and be skeptical of others.
  • Salvador is generally divided into two main parts: the Upper City, and the Lower City. You want no part of the lower city. It is incredibly impoverished, and crime is rampant. There is no reason to go. Fortunately, the Upper City exists, and is the reason why Salvador is the largest tourist destination in the Northeast.
  • Most of the coastal areas in the Upper City are where the action is, and that’s where you have the best chances to meet girls for sex. During the day there is plenty of leisure to be had, whether at a bar or shopping. Pelourinho is basically the city center, and is popular for foreigners at night. There are some nice clubs and bars, but you’ll definitely want to take a cab at night. Buses can bring you there during the day, but only cabs are out at night.
    In fact, always take a cab at night. Period. If you arrive to your destination or suggested stop from your taxi, and it looks mostly deserted for the night, go somewhere else. Don’t walk in between bars and clubs. You are looking for trouble.
  • Geronimo is a popular place to see music in the city, just make sure you don’t head down any alleys in the area afterwards.
  • The most popular (and safest) area in the city is Rio Vermelho. Popular with locals, tourists, and college students, it’s got everything you need. Bars, clubs, hotels, restaurants – everything, and in well lit, beautiful coastal areas.
  • Two things you might want to have a grasp on before going: Portuguese, and Samba dancing. Remember, Salvador is more impoverished and more isolated than some of the more well-known Brazilian destinations. Most people here have terrible English, so good luck trying to converse at all if you don’t know the native tongue at least a little. Samba is popular here, and is the best way to nonverbally communicate in a club, so brush up on it so you can put your skills to use.
  • As far as the women go, the same general rules apply, only a bit more Portuguese-centered. Making out will happen pretty quickly at a club or bar, but it’s not a guarantee of anything. Most ladies won’t care or be wowed if you are a gringo, only if you can talk to them. Opt for the eye contact, heavy dancing strategy. And as always, social circles are key. If you are zeroing in on a girl, and you hope to seal the deal over the next day or two, make it a point to meet her friends she’s with. You need their approval.

Of course, if this doesn’t work, you can always pay for some action, which I’ll be getting to.

Girls in Salvador Bahia BarGirls in Salvador Bars

As I said earlier, you’ll want to restrict your bar visits to areas like Rio Vermelho and Pelourinho. Walking around and looking for vibrancy is the best approach.

O Cravinho and The Bunker are popular and easy-going bars located in the historic centre area of the city. You can find lots of Salvador girls hanging out, and maybe a few fellow tourists as well. This is actually a positive in a place like this. The culture difference and non-Western vibe can work in your favor if you encounter a girl who is on your level. Regardless, there is also a good chance you may end up meeting some local Salvador girl that you can spend your night out with.

The atmosphere in these bars is vastly different from the party-conducive clout you’ll get in Rio or Sao Paulo, so girls are more approachable and friendlier. Portuguese is key, however.

Girls in Salvador Nightclubs

Salvador Brazil Nightclub

Probably a much better option for meeting a local Salvador girl for sex in the nightlife is at one of the many nightclubs in the city. The usual rules apply, so scan your prospects and go for a quick kiss a few minutes in while dancing or talking. While there is a good chance for some action that same night, getting a phone number and meeting some of her friends will significantly increase your chances.

SAN is the most popular night club in the city. Dress code isn’t over the top, but don’t expect to get in wearing flip flops. R$25 covers the entrance fee, and secures a drink to start off as well. Be aware that many of the working girls in this city intentionally don’t look like one, so look for the signs if you think a prospect here is going a bit too easily.

An alternative club is ABorracharia, located in Rio Vermelho (see the exact location of all mentioned places on the map at the end of the guide).

Salvador Erotic MassageErotic Massages in Salvador

Salvador doesn’t have a viable red light district anymore, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t at least a few good erotic massage locations.

Spazzio Zen is the most popular, and is known for having a great lineup of darker women, and for a good price. I probably don’t have to tell you that these massagens don’t really offer standard massages, but still. R$200 can get you a 40-50 minute happy ending massage with a girl during normal rate times. Get there early.

Zen Corner is another decent location, but usually has less women to offer. You may be able to get a better deal here, but Spazzio Zen is already cheap enough, so you should stay there.

Escort Girls in Salvador

Escort girls aren’t as prevalent in Salvador, so you may be better off looking for working girls in clubs, or asking around for some of the elusive termas locations that keep a relatively low profile. Still, there are some girls available that you can find online who will definitely come by your place and give you your money’s worth.

The selection is smaller than in other Brazilian cities, but the girls are just as hot. Top Escort Babes is a good place to start. You can expect to pay anywhere from $150 USD to $300 USD for one hour including sex. Pricey, but worth it in most cases, especially if you’re not having any luck around town.

Salvador Girls on Dating Sites

If you want to meet girls in Salvador that are both super attractive and fun to hang out with, using a dating site is probably your best option. Adult Friend Finder is a hugely popular dating site both among expats in the country as well as tourists who want to meet up with nice local ladies.

And what’s great about this site (apart from the thousands of sexy ladies online at any daytime) is that you can arrange your dates conveniently from at home, even before starting your trip, means you don’t waste any time.

Salvador – Always an Adventure

Like I said earlier, you’re going to need to be a bit more savvy in Salvador to have any conquests. Experienced travelers who are familiar with Brazilian culture norms and have a good grasp of the language will fare much better. If that’s you, and you want a full experience that blends beautiful, dark, exotic Brazilian women with the adventure that comes from a less-touristy city, Salvador should be at the top of your list.

Map of Places to Meet Girls in Salvador, Bahia

Videos of Girls in Salvador, Bahia